

Photography is a craft and an art. Many people do not realize there can be beauty in a technical or boring photo until it is presented in such a way that it becomes a work of art.



As a young man, I have had various idols, especially the work of Clarence Sinclair Bull. The black and white photograpy from the 1920s to 1970 offers a never ending alluring craft. Sometimes a photographer becomes a scientist or an historian.

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Reports / Documentaries

Reports / Documentaries

Events such as weddings or news items, reqiure a photographer with foreknowlegdge. It requires a quick decision making and experience. As a photographer, I must always choose the perspective and must have an awareness of the ambient light.



I have never made a technical image without engaging in extensive discussions with the scientist or person requesting the image. From a certain point, I develop the image in my mind and then I have only to use the camera and light to make it a reality.


Scenic photographs

Sometimes content is offered in the best way when you develop ideas. The content should be enhanced by the use of amient light. This captures the interest of the viewer on an emotional level. This also raises the image from ordinary to extraordinary. You may wait for the right light, however, most times it must be created.

Teddy on his way

Whenever I have a good idea, I want to develop it. The Teddy Bear was gifted to me a year before this trip. The donor stated that the bear had a personality close to mine. Maybe she was right. I named him "Little bear".

More Teddy

Who framed little Teddy? I have done this, enlagements made in classic way with an Leitz enlarger on Kodak Paper developed in RA4 chemistry. This will last 100 years without fading. No digital technic ever touched the results. Every pictures ist framed by my hand, and has a little cerificat with the original negativ number on it. When the pictures will be sold one day than you have a treasure unique and be a case sui generis


Animal Photographs

Election Campaign

I photographed the campain in the town of Germersheim-Sondernheim. I had the privilege of doing this over a period of years. user_resources/181432/ /uploadedfiles/ger2004-a4.pdf flyer2009-a4.pdf