Film · Filmography


Mannheimer Str. 118
Tel.: +49 171 499 6677


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My expectation as I approach my work is like that of Giusseppe Rotunno:
"You've got the key light, fill light, and back light, out of which comes an infinity of results. The light is like a kaleidoscope, but those three lights mixed together are more touchy than the kaleidoscope. It's difficult to ask a painter, 'How did you paint the picture?' I go with my eyes and intuition. I like so much to light, and I cannot stop. When I was shooting with Fellini, I was always lighting the next shot, because I was afraid to lose the idea of the light."
[From the article 'Renaissance Man' by Ron Magid in 'American Cinematographer', 1999.]

My first film, "The Little Gangster", was shot on double 8mm Film, and produced at the age of 14. As an apprentice, I shot news clips on 16mm reversal film for the main broadcast channels.  I also had experience as a second cameraman and sound technican. Working as an assistant, taught me the rudiments of the craft of cinematography and team participation.

I played a small part in the 1981 film Das Boot (The Boat), as I was assistant to one of the cameraman for a short time.
During this time, I accompanied the crew in La Rochelle, France as I shot black and white images of the film scenes.
Years later, I presented a gallery exhibition of images from the production of Das Boot.

At the age of 31, I shot my first 35mm full feature film. I was director of photography for some major films produced by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Camera work is my preference, not just on feature film but for image films.
I lectured at Ludwigsburg Film Academy, at a time when Volker Engel was present in the classroom.
As a cinematographer, one must present the story in a supportive visual manner.

As Clint Easwood once stated, "The story is king.

The image film for Karlsruhe Institute of Technology is produced on 35 mm Kodak Color Negative film stock and shot with my Arri-flex camera in the TechniScope format.
It is digitized on 2K (high definition). 

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K.I.T. Film - English Version

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In 2013 I made a   film, also made on 35mm Kodak Color Negative film stock with the same Arri-Flex camera in TechniScope.

The first viewing of the film for my client was in a very famous film theatre, the Schauburg.  Herbert Born, the theatre manager, made this possible for me.

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Clip of the 1983 film, The Mikado Project with Eddie Constantine and Torsten Emrich.

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This excerpt was shot on 35mm film in Kiruna, Sweden, as well as other cities.  The title is The Working World of Science and  was made for the Research Center of Karlsruhe. It is 17 minutes long.

This movie was made by a talented 14 year old volunteer, to whom I  taught the technique. The content and animation was solely the young man's idea.

A Flip Book movie, made in 1973 and digitized in 2011. It was the winner of the first International Flip Book Festival in Stuttgart, Germany at the Palace Schloss Solitude. The concept was mine and was drawn over a period of years. I digitized it with a camera an brought it to life with Adobe After Effects.
My colleague, Ernst Kubitza, played the music. The film was used as an advertisement on a regional news channel network after the news broadcast and preceding the weather.